Writing the Assassination with Hugh Aynesworth, Tim Cloward and Bryan Woolley

Panel and Book Signing: Writing the Assassination: Dallas Authors Respond to November 22, 1963
Who: Hugh Aynesworth, Bryan Woolley, Dr. Tim Cloward
Video Presentation: JFK Unspoken Speech Project
When: Sunday, November 17, 4-6
Where: Half Price Books, NW Highway

Tim Cloward facilitates a discussion among authors Hugh Aynesworth and Bryan Wooley who have recent books released on the assassination. A diverse range of topics will be addressed and books will be available for purchase.

Hugh Aynesworth is an American journalist, investigative reporter, author, and teacher. Aynesworth has been reported to have witnessed the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza, the capture and arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas Theater, and the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby in the basement of the Dallas Police Headquarters. In a 1976 Texas Monthly article, William Broyles, Jr. described Aynesworth as “one of the most respected authorities on the assassination of John F. Kennedy”.


author_bryan_woolleyThrough a myriad of characters both real and invented (and some whose names have been changed) journalist and author Bryan Woolley presents one of the best dissections of Dallas life in 1963 in his novel November 22. Covering the twenty-four hours surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Woolley accurately captures the essence of the day’s atmosphere, resulting in a rich cross section of a city more complex and diverse than many observers have been willing to acknowledge. He describes in microcosm how the world changed in the twinkling of an eye and peers into the shifting lives of all people affected by this shattering event. Readers will be surprised at how relevant the book is to the Dallas–and America–of right now.


clowardPanel Facilitator: Tim Cloward, Ph.D., is the author of the upcoming book The City that Killed Kennedy: A Cultural History of Dallas and the Assassination (Winner of the 2013 Mayborn Conference Book Manuscript Award).  His essay “Conspiracy-A-Go-Go,” an excerpted chapter of his book, will be published in the upcoming Fall issue of the Southwest Review.

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