Who: Renee Rossi and Jeff Davis
What: First Hearings
When: June 2, 2016, 7:30 pm
Where: The Wild Detectives, 314 West 8th St, Dallas 75208
Hosted by: Charles Dee Mitchell
WordSpace welcomes back Renée Rossi and Jeffrey Davis, two poets who have read for WordSpace before and both of whom have new books out.

Renée Rossi
How’s this for a resume? Renée Rossi, who lives in Dallas, is a practicing otolaryngologist, holds an MFA in Creative Writing and is a certified practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine. She has published two poetry chapbooks, and at First Hearings will be reading from her new collection, Triage.

Jeffrey Davis
Jeffrey Davis, who has lived in Dallas in the past but is now based in New York, is a writer, speaker, and consultant. Through his Tracking Wonder project he is often interviewed for his views on the role of creative mastery in shaping a meaningful life and , as he puts it, “doing business as unusual.” He is a poet who also has a regular column in Psychology Today. At first hearings he will read from his 2016 book, Coat Thief.
Following their readings, the two friends will discuss how their professional lives and poetry combine to make them the writers they are.