Poets Prom with DJ Mark Ridlen & Poets Flash Mob Cameos



Meet your host, Brenda Randall.

Brenda is a WordSpace board member who has been hosting Verse and Rhythm, Words of a Sister, and other Dallas poetry events for several years. For Dallas Lit Hop she proposed The Poets’ Prom, a chance for poets, poetry lovers, and friends to mix and mingle.

And it is a prom with all the fixin’s. There’s music, dancing, snacks both sweet and savory, and punch both spiked and plain. This may also be the only prom where you don’t have to sneak off to the parking lot to drink a beer (courtesy of Deep Ellum Brewing Company.)

Pose for you prom pic, be ready for special guest appearances, and – drumroll, please – the crowning of the king and queen.

The prom is free – which is a better deal than you got in high school. But RSVP’s are appreciated. Find out more details by clickng here

Join WordSpace and cohosts TheaterJones.com, and we will see you at the prom.

When: April 21, 7 pm Red Carpet, 8 pm Let the Poets Prom Begin
Music: DJ Mark Ridlen
Flash Mob Cameos: 
 SIN, Opalina Salas, Aye Michael Eeh, B Randall
Where: Common Desk, 2919 Commerce
Co-Hosts: Theater Jones

What is this?
At a recent WordSpace event at Margo Jones Theatre, Brenda Randal was hosting. She looked around the room and said to herself, Wow, we should have a Prom here! So she’s been trying to put together a Poets Prom for the last year. We were never able to pull it off at the Margo Jones, but long story short, Lit Hop comes along and what could be more perfect? Boom. Theater Jones and Common Desk could be more perfect.

This literary themed evening of dressed up writers (dressed up per artists’ version of dressed up, that is) will be packed with performances and music. Prizes for different contributions to the Dallas lit scene. Red Carpet, Photo Booth, D celebrity poet cameo performances and FOOD AND DRINK–

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