Archive for April, 2017

Deep Ellum Lit Hop II




Map of venues in Deep Ellum


4-5 PM // DaVerse Lounge at Lit Hop

DaVerse Works is a spoken word performance and youth development program for middle and high school students, providing a safe haven for self-expression. The program integrates a formal curriculum—that teaches critical literacy skills through spoken word and poetry—with open-mic showcases for teens and young adults. This is a program of education nonprofit Big Thought and Journeyman Ink.

5:30 – 6:30 PM // MadSwirl at Lit Hop

Mad Swirl is a platform, a showcase and a stage for the many artists in this mad, mad world of ours. Mad Swirl takes the many sides of art and showcases at their website and on stage at City Tavern in Dallas (1st Wednesdays). Mad Swirl recognize s the madness of creation, the madness of life, the madness of art and tries to get the mad swirl of it all into as many heads as possible. Basically, Mad Swirl is an outlet…an electronic, print and live-wired creative outlet. Poetic line-Up: Johnny O , MH Clay, Opalina Salas, Chris Zimmerly, Desmene Statum, Brett Ardoin, Tamitha Curiel, Carlos Salas, and music madness swirled up by Chris Curiel.


4 – 5:30 PM // Significance Imposed: A Reading at Lit Hop

A collaboration between The White Rock Zine Machine and MakeShift Photorama, this showcase demonstrates a love affair between the written word and the photographic eye. This group exhibition features twelve local photographers paired with twelve local writers in a collision of words and images. Each visual piece is illuminated through a unique, poetic vision, producing a passionate road trip through the wide open spaces distinctive to Texas. Featuring Diane Durant & Christopher Stephen Soden, Don Essmiller & A. Kendra Greene, Devyn Gaudet & Andrew Koch, Justin Goode & Caitlin Pryor, Jason Lee, Paxton Maroney & Dan Collins, Erin Reeves & Leslie Aguilar, Rachel Rushing & Robin Turner, David Simpson & Lisa Huffaker & Tim Cloward, Patti Simpson & Joe Milazzo.

6 – 7 PM // Dancing Tongue at Lit Hop

Dancing Tongue is a poetry/performance ensemble which takes the spoken word, scrambles it with music, visual art, movement and video to demonstrate that literature is, indeed, a lively art. Joining highbrow sensibilities with low cost aesthetics, the troupe has performed in galleries, bars, theaters, festivals and universities around Dallas since 1990. The current edition of Dancing Tongue features: Tim Cloward, Kim Corbet, Lisa Huffaker, Fran Carris, and Richard Allen.

7:30 – 8:30 PM // Dallas Fiction Writers Showcase

The biggest names writing fiction in Dallas, will be here to talk and read from recent works introduces you to the vibrant scene of fiction writing in Dallas. Authors reading will include: Sanderia Faye, Kathleen Kent, Blake Kimzey, and Jacob Rubin.




9:30 – 10:30 PM // Pandora’s Box at Lit Hop

Pandora’s Box Poetry Showcase loves a good party and great poetry so please join us at the ever ready Deep Vellum Bookstore for a night of poetry, music, love, laughter, and muse-inspired fun. This evenings features will include: JAZMON THE HEALER, James Madison West, Taylor Teachout,and Matthew Haines


4:30-5:30PM // Dallas Poetry Slam at Lit Hop

The Dallas Poetry Slam is one of the oldest, most recognized, and respected poetry slams and/or open mic in the state of Texas. There is a slam or open mic every Friday at Heroes Lounge. This edition of Dallas Poetry Slam will feature a mixture of Dallas Slam Team poets and open mike poets.

6-7PM // Southern Mythologies at Lit Hop

This Deep Ellum Lit Hop showcase brings together six incredible artists living, working, and creating in Texas. Featuring work from: Leslie Marie Aguilar, Greg Brownderville, Stevie Edwards, Christopher Beard, Trista Edwards, and music by Kim Nall.
7:30 – 8:30 PM // Poets On X+ at Lit Hop

Poets on X+ is an open mike collective that meets the second Friday of every month at Lucky Dog Books in Oak Cliff. This showcase brings together some of their superstar performers: Ofelia Faz Garza, Hector Nico Ortiz, Nadia Wolnisty, Tom Farris, Kristine Spinner, Johnny Olson, Cj Critt. Mc’d by Carlos and Opalina Salas.

9 – 10 PM // Verse & Rhythm at Deep Ellum Lit Hop

Verse & Rhythm was founded in the Fall of 2012 with the intention of bringing local artists together to perform their spoken word, poetry, literature, music and other forms of artistic expression. Verse & Rhythm is held monthly on the last Saturday of month at the Oak Cliff Cultural Center and features a different artist every month. There is an open mic where all are welcome to participate. This edition of Verse & Rhythm will feature Rafael Tamayo, Brandon Jackson, Priscilla Rice, La Bell, Lyn Lyric.


The Legendary Out House Moans

5.20: Inferno Texino Tribute to The Legendary
Out House Moans
What: ArtSpeak
When: 6 pm
Where: Mighty Fine Arts, 409 A North Tyler St.
Hosted by: Steve Cruz

In conjunction with Andy Don Emmons  Exhibition Opening
and Oak Cliff Visual Speedbump Tour

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April 2017