Archive for February 26th, 2017

Paul Quigg @ ArtSpeak

When: Saturday, March 18
Where: Mighty Fine Arts, 409A N. Tyler St., 75208
What: ArtSpeak: In conjunction with his exhibition opening, WordSpace presents a rare musical perfotmance by Paul Quigg. Paul’s guitar wizardry is as formidable and enchanting as his photography. Be sure not to miss this chance to catch him play in the intimate gallery setting!

Mighty Fine Arts presents “Flotsam and Jetsam” featuring new work by Paul Quigg.

This show opens Saturday March 18 with a reception for the artist from 6-9pm and will run till Sunday April 30. Paul Quigg is a multi-talented savant with such a variety of skill sets he so casually harbors it seems almost unfair to those of us less gifted. He’s maybe most known for his musical ability and his sojourn in such legendary musical ensembles as The Nervebreakers, Vibrolux and Decadent Dub Team. For several years past he has commanded the sound board at the Kessler Theater where he has forged the audioscape that is the hallmark feature of the listening room there. And meanwhile between projects he has managed to master the art of photography and create an impressive body of work that he has finally managed to put together for exhibition. This is the first time out for Paul to show his work in a formal setting and the pictures he’s put together are lush and visually stunning. There’s a transcendent quality that resonates in his images that reflect a love of classicism and pure beauty. And perhaps that is part of his intent, to enhance the wonderous and defy the brutal. 

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February 2017