Archive for October, 2016

ArtSpeak: The Stoners

300x300-1When: November 5, 9 pm
Where: Mighty Fine Arts, 409 A North Tyler St.
What: ArtSpeak: The Stoners
Exhibition Opening: Matt Bagley: Trans Dimensional Acquisitions

Wordspace presents a performance by “The Stoners” offering up a musical tribute to the Rolling Stones. Tom Battles fronts, yes that’s right, a Stones cover band, something he’s threatened to do for quite a big while, but now mere idea has matured into fruition and it’s time to rock out! Wordspace is honored to present the premiere of this epochal musical ensemble and fully expect “The Stoners” to alter the perception of cover bands in your mind! ArtSpeak is a performance series in conjunction with exhibition openings.

Mighty Fine Arts presents “Trans Dimensional Acquisitions” featuring new work by Matt Bagley. This show opens Sat. Nov.5 with a reception for the artist from 6-9pm and will run till Sun. Dec.11.
Matt Bagley’s imaginative reveries find their underpinings in the humid backwaters of South Louisiana. Matt is a bonafied swamp child who evolved from the primordial muck and mire to emerge as an artist and master printmaker, as well as a pan-dimensional archeologist, skateboard activist theologist and homespun philosopher. He has somehow managed to channel his multiple interests into coinciding narratives that inform his artistic practice. His storytelling is exemplified in the tales that he relates in his show: “The Feminist Fairytale” A band of women in the very distant past form an army with the animals to defeat a corrupt and paranoid queen, “Breussard the Alligator” The fun loving fashion hip alligator who returhs from NYC to the swampland to make woodcuts prints and invent the “Print Frog”, “Space Bug Robot Wars” A cyborg conflict that morphs spacebug and robot traditions to create a new hybrid culture. Despite the far fetched threads Matt manages to ground his work in a commonality and empathy beyond his own personal conserns. Perhaps there’s a bit of the swamp in everyone that yearns for the acquisition of a trans-dimensional conciousness. Heavy assumptions indeed, that will be addressed and perhaps answered by coming out to Matt’s show!



Christian Taylor, Laney Yarber, Candy: The Numerology of Money

When: Sunday, November 13, 6-7:30 pm
Where: RSVP for Location: WordSpace@WordSpace.Us
Who: Christian Taylor, Laney Yarber, Candy
What: The Numerology of Money by Dick Zinnendorf

Phase One table reading of the The Numerology of Money will be performed by actor Christian Taylor, performance artist Laney Yarber, and Dallas Poetry SlamMaster Candy. The audience will be provided feedback sheets to return to the playwright.

WordSpace is pleased to support script development for playwrights throughout the year. Phase Two of The Numerology of Money will take place in late January and will add staging and movement.

“Currencies are the consciences of treasuries bankrupted by spiritual tollkeepers. Dead ringers are not cashiers on hiatus; they are doppelgängers on shopping sprees. A debt-ridden mannequin was deposited in a mausoleum for millionaires by an anonymous donor. Earn free checking today.”–The Numerology of Money is a one-act play intended for three characters.


Christopher Carmona @ First Hearings


When: Thursday, December 8, 7:30 p.m.
Where: The Wild Detectives, 314 W. 8th St., Dallas, TX 75208
Hosted by: Dee Mitchell

WordSpace celebrates the publication of Christopher Carmona’s new book of linked short stories, “The Road to Llorona Park”.

Christopher is an assistant professor of creative writing and Mexican-American studies at Teas A & M University in College Station. He is both a poet and fiction writer. In 2016 he edited The Beatest State in the Union: An Anthology of Texas Beat Writing.

This new book of stories explores life on the Texas/Mexico border, where political events to the South effect those living in the North.

After the reading, Karen Minzer, program director of WordSpace, we join Christopher in conversation with the audience.

Darin Bradley @ First Hearings, with Merritt Tierce

When: November 9, 7:30 pm
Where: The Wild Detectives, 314 W. Eighth St, Dallas 74208
Hosted by: Charles Dee Mitchell
Q/A: Merritt Tierce

bradleyDarin Bradley’s “Dystopian Cluster” of novels began in 2010 with Noise, a tale of young people training to be the ruthless survivors of the societal collapse they see hurtling towards them. Chimpanzee (2014) chronicled life in this changed world where dispirited people make do in the new police state and elective mental illness becomes the fashion.

WordSpace hosted Darin at The Wild Detectives for the release of Chimpanzee. On November 9 we are pleased to have him return with Totem, the final book in the cluster. He has moved the action to the far future, or possibly a parallel world, where religion has gone viral and Big Brother works hand in hand with UNESCO.

In addition to his three novels, Darin Bradley has written scripts for id Software, the gaming company behind such iconic titles as Quake and Rage. He is also the founding editor-in-chief and the design director of Farrago’s Wainscot, an ezine of the literary weird. Goliad Media is his independent publishing, recording, and art production housed based in Denton, Texas, where he live with his wife.


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October 2016