Archive for June 23rd, 2016

Queen Sheba @ Heroes

Queen Sheba

Born in Detroit, MI, now living in Atlanta GA – Queen Sheba is an
Int’l 4 Countries Slam Champion, two time National Poetry Slam Champ,three time Regional Poetry Slam Champ and a WOWps Final-Stage-ist.Sheba is also a featured performer on season two of Verses and Flow,brought to you by Lexus on TV One, and has been on Spoken, a featured poet on Lyric Café on BET, 106&Park, the Apollo and the feature length film Spit. Sheba has six albums, two of which were up for a Grammy under the Spoken Word category and she is a two-time NAACP Image Award Nominee. Her works have appeared in numerous anthologies, magazines including Vibe Online and the focus of college student’s papers. Queen Sheba has two books: From Foster Care to Fame short stories and poems too long for three minutes and Run Ugly! A motivational book for runners. With a Masters in Poetry from Queens University Spoken Word artist, motivational speaker, comedian, and bathroom concert singer, Sheba tours internationally and has conducted performances and workshops at over 200 colleges and universities domestic and abroad.

WordSpace is honored to partner with Dallas Poetry Slam to produce Feature Readers on 3rd Fridays of every month at Heroes Lounge, 7402 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75231.

Admission: $5 or Buy a VIP Season Pass
WordSpace Members Free: RSVP

Dallas Poetry Slam Logo

Porsha O @ Heroes

Porsha O

Porsha O. is the 2014 Individual World Poetry Slam Champion, the 2015 National Poetry Slam Champion, and the co­-founder of House Slam. She identifies as a Black, poet, dyke­god, a hip­hop feminist, an educator, and an organizer.

WordSpace is honored to partner with Dallas Poetry Slam to produce Feature Readers on 3rd Fridays of every month at Heroes Lounge, 7402 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75231.

Admission: $5 or Buy a VIP Season Pass
WordSpace Members Free: RSVP

Dallas Poetry Slam Logo


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June 2016