Archive for April, 2016
When: Mary 12, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Where: The Wild Detectives, 312 West Davis, Dallas 75208
Hosted by: Charles Dee Mitchell

Melissa Ginsburg
Before turning to crime. Melissa Ginsburg was a respectable poet who had attended the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and published two books of verse. This April, she publishes her first crime novel, Sunset City. The story is set in her hometown of Houston, Texas, and it involves murder, drugs, betrayal, secrets, and the miserable weather the city is known for. In other words — all the good stuff.
But Melissa has not rejected her poetic lineage. Claire Vaye Watkins, author of Gold Fame Citrus has this to say:
“I am positively agog at this dizzying, addictive novel. A poetic meditation draped in the cloak of noir, an elegy with the heart-pounding pace of a murder mystery. Sunset City is raw, tough, and relentlessly exquisite.”
Please join for an evening of crime and poetry.
Who: Renee Rossi and Jeff Davis
What: First Hearings
When: June 2, 2016, 7:30 pm
Where: The Wild Detectives, 314 West 8th St, Dallas 75208
Hosted by: Charles Dee Mitchell
WordSpace welcomes back Renée Rossi and Jeffrey Davis, two poets who have read for WordSpace before and both of whom have new books out.

Renée Rossi
How’s this for a resume? Renée Rossi, who lives in Dallas, is a practicing otolaryngologist, holds an MFA in Creative Writing and is a certified practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine. She has published two poetry chapbooks, and at First Hearings will be reading from her new collection, Triage.

Jeffrey Davis
Jeffrey Davis, who has lived in Dallas in the past but is now based in New York, is a writer, speaker, and consultant. Through his Tracking Wonder project he is often interviewed for his views on the role of creative mastery in shaping a meaningful life and , as he puts it, “doing business as unusual.” He is a poet who also has a regular column in Psychology Today. At first hearings he will read from his 2016 book, Coat Thief.
Following their readings, the two friends will discuss how their professional lives and poetry combine to make them the writers they are.
karen finley thanks you
Dear Friends,
Thank you for attending the WordSpace presentation of Karen Finley’s The Jackie Look. We hope you enjoyed the evening. If this was your first time to attend a WordSpace event, please visit out website to learn more about who we are and what we do. We produce over fifty events a season, ranging from poetry readings and book launch parties to poetry slams and performance art. Our events take place in venues all over Dallas, and most of what we do is free. Take a look at our calendar, grab a friend, and check out the lively local literary scene.
And please consider becoming a WordSpace member. Everyone who reads or performs for WordSpace receives an honorarium. That means that in addition to the nationally recognized authors and performers we present, dozens of local writers and artists get paid for what they do. This is a basic tenet of what we have done since our founding in 1994. Memberships help make this happen. Memberships also come with discounted tickets and other benefits described on the membership page of our website.
Sign up for our newsletter and like us on Facebook to see announcements of both local events and the visiting performers we have scheduled in the upcoming season.
Thanks again for attending The Jackie Look. Team WordSpace: Steve Cruz, Dee Mitchell, Laney Yarber, Jerry Kelley, Brenda Randall, Karen Minzer, Richard Bailey, Sara Cardona and Rock Baby.
Sweatloaf at ARTSPEAK
When is this? Saturday, April 30
Where?…on Earth? Yes, it’s at Mighty Fine Arts, 409A N. Tyler St. in the OC
Who is responsible for this? Wordspace presents ArtSpeak
ArtSpeak features performance art in conjunction with exhibition openings at MFA Gallery.
This month, new work by Clay Stinnett “Texican Spaghetti Wrestling” will also feature a sonic assault by Butthole Surfers Cover Band “Sweatloaf” offering up an unholy miasma of punk lyrics, art rock, avant garde and psychedelic upheavels. More fun than legally recommended! Performance starts around 8:30ish.
“Texican Spaghetti Wrestling” featuring new work by Clay Stinnett. This show opens Sat April 30 with a reception for the artist from 6-9pm and will run till Sun June 12. Clay Stinnett has an ecumenical appreciation of all things white, brown and black trash. The detritus of culture washes through his brain pan and emerges in lumps of inspiration and horrid insight. The Id monster lies abruptly under the mainstream consciousness and only a mere scratch effort reveals the awfulness that informs us amerikans.(Note the current Republican struggle of dumb assery) But Mr.Clay doesn’t revel in anti-intellectuosity, he is a grand social observer and satirist, a progeny of Rabelais, an upholder of the noble tradition of stripping the pants off “authority”. So dont miss the opportunity to witness and absorb the full frontal and unfettered Clay Mind in all it’s turbulent excess and glory and get marked as having been exposed to some real “Art” for a change!