Archive for September 15th, 2013

David Searcy, Joaquin Zihuatanejo, RockBaby

What: David Searcy, Joaquin Zihuatanejo, RockBaby and Dallas Poetry Slam Team
When: October 15, 7:00 pm – 9:15, 8:50 9:15 p.m. Audience Q & A with the three writers, followed by book/CD signing.
Where: Northwood University Literary Festival, Lambert Commons on Northwood’s 400 acre campus, located 25 minutes from downtown Dallas, just off Highway 67 south — the Joe Pool Lake exit.
Map to Northwood

David Searcy is an award-winning Dallas-based novelist and essayist. His recent wide-ranging essays have appeared in Paris Review, Granta and other thought-leading journals. He has a forthcoming collection of essays to be published later this year by Random House.  He will read from “El Camino Dolorosa,” an evocative essay about his grandfather’s old pickup which is nominated for the 2013 Pushcart Prize.


Joaquin Zihuatanejo is a poet, spoken word artist, and acclaimed  teacher.  Born and raised in the barrio in East Dallas, his work captures the duality of Chicano culture.  Honest, brutal and evocative, his poems are often hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time.  He has won many awards as a teacher of creative writing and high school English, and for his collection of poems Stand Up and Be Heard. He conducts writing workshops in America and Europe, and his one-man spoken word performances are in demand at universities and literary conferences on three continents.

Rockbaby and Dallas Poetry Slam Team Members complete the evrning show with solo and group performances.  Popular Dallas slam poet and comic writer, Rockbaby has become a favorite at Northwood over the past few years. This year he brings along two members of the Dallas Slam Team to close the LitFest with high spirits and homeboy poems.


Northwood University is committed to the most personal attention to prepare students for success in their careers and in their communities; it promotes critical thinking skills, personal effectiveness, and the importance of ethics, individual freedom and responsibility.

Special Thanks to writer, critic Martha Heimberg, Northwood Lit Fest Chair. Martha Heimberg has been writing about theater, the arts and historic preservation for over 30 years for numerous Texas newspapers and magazines, including Dallas Weekly, D Magazine and Texas Monthly. She currently writes a weekly theater column for Turtle Creek News. She has won awards from the Dallas Press Club and the Texas Historic Commission, and is a founding member of the Dallas Fort Worth Theater Critics Forum. She coordinates DART’s Poetry in Motion program, and a WordSpace board member for nine years. Her degrees in English and comparative literature are from Southern Methodist University. She is associate professor of English at Northwood University in Cedar Hill, Texas.

WordSpace is honored to partner with Northwood Literary Festival for this dynamic gathering of poets and fiction writers.

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September 2013